How to do a background check on a cell phone.
I was playing around with my new cell phone watch and discovered something that i was sure was possible. I ran a background check from the browser window. I knew it was easy and possible on my regular cell phone but i was not expecting the new cell phone watch to allow me to, well it did and does. Heres the quick and easy way to do a background check from any web enabled cell phone (most are now-a-days)
1. Open up your cell phones web browser like you normally would when surfing the internet.
2. Type in the web address http://findanyoneinstantly.com , when the page loads log in and perform your search. If you arent a member you will have to join, its cheap less than $10 a year for unlimited searches. But if you just want to try it out on a free to check service first enter this http://findthetruthaboutanyone.com
3. Put the name of the person you want to perform the search on and press enter. The rest is automatic.
Cool huh? Just wanted to share. And if you want to see a picture and/or video of my new cell phone watch click new cell phone watch. I feel like a regular Dick Tracy, welcome to the future i guess. To bad gas is so high now.
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