How to find out which aides are abusive in nursing homes. Find the truth.
Finding a reputable and safe nursing home for your elderly loved ones and then placing them there is never an easy task. Although you may know deep in your heart that there is no other choice. You may even have to some extent convinced them that the move is best for them. The actual placement is nothing compared to the worries and sleepless nights that you and your family experience at the thought of abandoning grandma or grandfather to the unknown.
You do the research as best you can but you never really lose that feeling in the pit of your stomach that something may go terribly wrong no matter how much time and effort you put into picking the best facility for old grandma or grandpa to call home for the remainder of their years. Whether it be assisted living or a full-time nursing home, you just have to accept the fact that you are going to have many, many sleepless nights wondering if your loved ones are safe and sound in their forced (most of the time) new living arrangements. It takes a while to get over the guilt that many experience or the feelings of abandonment to someone who allot of the time spent a lifetime taking care of you. After a while the guilty feeling in you stomach recedes just enough to let you sleep through the night. Then out of nowhere a news story about nursing home abuse appears on your local news and it all comes flooding back.
Nursing home abuse is an ever present segment of most news shows in the modern world but it never hits home until you have a loved one in an actual nursing home, then it hits home with such an impact that it seems it will never break free. Well I am not going to suggest that I can make the worry go away completely but I can offer a toll to take away some of the worry by helping you to do the best research you can on the people charged with taking care of your loved ones either before you decide where they are going or after they have been there already.
My tip is this, ask the manager of the facility you want to place them in or they are already in for a list of all the nurses and nurses aides that will be taking care of your loved one. They will be more than happy (well maybe not happy) to provide you with a list of names. And thought this may seem strange believe me you are not the first to ask or receive such a list. If you haven't signed papers yet they will cough up the names in a heartbeat, if our loved ones are there already it may take a few days for them to provide it for you but don't take no for an answer. Once you have the list join an inexpensive background check website (like this one it is only $29 for 3 years of unlimited people searches and background checks in their members area. Or this one which is the same price for 5 years of criminal and background checks.) and check every name on the list, it should not be that many. Most online background checks are inexpensive and have more than enough resources to provide what you need.
I hope this helps with the hard decisions involved with placing a loved one in a retirement, assisted living or nursing home and/or care facility.
D. Harris (background man)
Nursing Home Secrets.
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