If you have unpaid traffic tickets, missed court dates, or a criminal history, you might be wondering if you have warrants out for your arrest. There are a few simple things you can do to find out if you do.
1) Call the courthouse that you think you might have warrants in. Ask to talk to the payment office and ask if you have any warrants. You need to have your case ID number that you received in the mail or at the courthouse on hand.
2) Use one of the free or cheap online warrant lookup services. The good ones will require a small fee, (about $10 a year- see below post) but it is worth it if it means getting your warrants cleared up.
3) Go up and ask a police officer if you have any warrants. WARNING: doing this may result in your arrest, I would not recommend doing this if you think you are wanted. If you think you are wanted i would suggest going to the police station.
4) Do nothing and wait. Eventually someone will contact you, but they might put you in a great deal of debt, or worse send you to jail.
5) Do a background check. Background checks are fast easy and more effective than a private investigator was 5 years ago. The arena of public records is growing and growing and growing, making anyone James Bond informationally.
Unpaid warrants have ruined a great number of people's lives. I cannot stress enough how important it is to know if you have warrants out in your name. Your warrants, which you may not even know about, could keep you from getting a job, destroy your credit thereby preventing you from owning a home, or even put you in prison for a long time. Take the advice in this article and get rid of those warrants. Your future depends on it!
Mike Matthews is a lawyer in Dallas, TX and author of http://erasewarrants.blogspot.com
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The best and easiest place to run a background check online. find people, The best background check. Find anyone Online Background check information. Run a check from cell phones. Find the truth about anyone online. Best way find people anyone online. Find the truth Reverse Phone Search, Business Background Check, People Search, Criminal Background Check, Sex Offender Background Check, Missing Persons. Do your own online background checks. Run a background check on anybody instantly website.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Investigate anyone & run background checks from your cellular phone.

Did you know that you can do online investigations right from your cellular phones internet browser?
The world online is changing from day to day and it has been estimated that technology doubles every 18 months or less. So what this means is that things that were impossible last week may be possible tomorrow. The latest toys and gadgets to take advantage of this "evolution" in technology is the cellular phone. cellular phones now utilize G.P.S and are capable of finding anyone, anywhere, with a cellular phone on the planet to within a few yards or feet. cellular phones can keep you in the loop when you are physically nowhere near the loop. You can even send money electronically through Paypal.com with your personal cellular communication device, there are even cellular dating sites. Now you can add the convenience and information of online background checks to the list of things done on and by your personal cellular phone.
No more unknown addresses, unknown phone numbers or lost friends!!
The world is getting smaller as information becomes more readily and easily available to consumers, civilians and the average Joe or Jane armed with a cellular phone. Imagine the first time you drop your kids off at summer camp or a friends house for an overnight stay and you don't have to wonder what kind of secrets the people charged with caring for your children are keeping. just think how secure you will feel knowing that in seconds you can open your cellular phones web browser, navigate to the net-detective website, type in that persons name and find out everything about that person, in seconds no less. Would that piece of mind and sense of security be worth less than $10 a year? Well thats what Net detective offers. Imagine being worry free (at least in that aspect of life) for a mere $10 a year. I can think of 100 ways to use this and i can't write them all but if you are reading this article then you can think of your own ways this will benefit you personally. Telephone numbers, license plates, checking on people at your office or front door. i even ran a check on my daughters day-care teacher and found a arrest for marijuana possesion. I bet you would signup for that option at your local mobile phone customer service desk.
Unfortunately you cant get it from your cell phones service desk. Fortunately you can do it from the net-detective website or affiliate web sites. Just click the link below to order or find out more information.
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
6 Fun unorthodox reasons you need online background check access.
When I first heard of online background check services being offered I had 3 reasons I thought they sounded fun but were not for me, too expensive. At least thats what i thought.
I thought they would be too expensive. But after running across several sites in day to day browsing and reading the information I was shocked to see that they were cheap, very, very inexpensive. I was expecting hundreds maybe thousands of dollars to be average, imagine my shock and amazement when I saw the average cost was under 50 dollars. Most were below that like $29, $35 and this was for membership. With memberships that usually span anywhere from 1 to 3 years for the almost comical price of under $30 (thirty –omg) bucks.
When was the last time I had to capture a fleeing felon or trace a telephone number or license plate? Who am I now, Magnum P.I? Murder she wrote? …If I had a nickel for every time I needed access to police background checking database I could buy as much free air as I could carry. But the question isn’t when was the last time you needed background check information, the real question is when was the last time you wished you had access to those resources? The questions are similar but the answers are completely different. Everyone has wished they knew more about someone. Your daughters boyfriend, you wife’s boss, your children’s teachers, coaches and bus drivers, just too name a few, the list is as endless as the reasons.
Reason 1: Have you ever wanted to see who a certain telephone number belongs to? Or maybe a certain license plate number? I can’t tell you how many times I have looked up my daughters boyfriends (and girlfriends) its not snooping, its being a good parent.
Reason 2: Haven’t you ever wanted to see if someone was what or who they say they are? Everyone knows at least one person they believe is nothing but hot air. Wouldn’t it be nice to know instead of think?
Reason 3: Did you ever want to check up on a date or co-worker? If you haven’t then you are not human.
Reason 4: Impress your friends by knowing about your boss or them. You give this membership as a gift and they will love you forever.
Reason 5: Find old school friends and long lost family and acquaintances. How cool would it be to drop a letter to an old friend? Or maybe pick up the phone and call a long lost co-worker you have lost track with?
Reason 6: You can use instant online background checks from your mobile phones browser! No one mentions this fact but it is true. The members areas are all web based so we make it possible to find out anything online instantly from anywhere at anytime.
The moral of the story is this, Online background checks are not just for spies and police anymore, even housewives can know things like Super spies. And for around $10 a year (honestly) why stay out of the loop. All your friends have signed on. They now have 24 hour access to your public information and you don't. But then again ignorance may be bliss.
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I'm sold, Where do i sign up?
I thought they would be too expensive. But after running across several sites in day to day browsing and reading the information I was shocked to see that they were cheap, very, very inexpensive. I was expecting hundreds maybe thousands of dollars to be average, imagine my shock and amazement when I saw the average cost was under 50 dollars. Most were below that like $29, $35 and this was for membership. With memberships that usually span anywhere from 1 to 3 years for the almost comical price of under $30 (thirty –omg) bucks.
When was the last time I had to capture a fleeing felon or trace a telephone number or license plate? Who am I now, Magnum P.I? Murder she wrote? …If I had a nickel for every time I needed access to police background checking database I could buy as much free air as I could carry. But the question isn’t when was the last time you needed background check information, the real question is when was the last time you wished you had access to those resources? The questions are similar but the answers are completely different. Everyone has wished they knew more about someone. Your daughters boyfriend, you wife’s boss, your children’s teachers, coaches and bus drivers, just too name a few, the list is as endless as the reasons.
Reason 1: Have you ever wanted to see who a certain telephone number belongs to? Or maybe a certain license plate number? I can’t tell you how many times I have looked up my daughters boyfriends (and girlfriends) its not snooping, its being a good parent.
Reason 2: Haven’t you ever wanted to see if someone was what or who they say they are? Everyone knows at least one person they believe is nothing but hot air. Wouldn’t it be nice to know instead of think?
Reason 3: Did you ever want to check up on a date or co-worker? If you haven’t then you are not human.
Reason 4: Impress your friends by knowing about your boss or them. You give this membership as a gift and they will love you forever.
Reason 5: Find old school friends and long lost family and acquaintances. How cool would it be to drop a letter to an old friend? Or maybe pick up the phone and call a long lost co-worker you have lost track with?
Reason 6: You can use instant online background checks from your mobile phones browser! No one mentions this fact but it is true. The members areas are all web based so we make it possible to find out anything online instantly from anywhere at anytime.
The moral of the story is this, Online background checks are not just for spies and police anymore, even housewives can know things like Super spies. And for around $10 a year (honestly) why stay out of the loop. All your friends have signed on. They now have 24 hour access to your public information and you don't. But then again ignorance may be bliss.
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I'm sold, Where do i sign up?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Find anyone online pt1: Finding Missing Persons Locate Anyone online.
Finding Missing Persons: How New Online Searches Can Help You Locate Someone Who Has Dropped Out of Sight
Updated 10-1-2010
Every day, in towns and cities across the country, people go missing. Sometimes they're the victim of crime. But in most cases, they drop out of sight on purpose. Usually they're trying to escape some problem or avoid some responsibility.
People who disappear can include those who are:
- Responsible for an accident but do not want to pay for damages or face legal action
- Avoiding alimony or child support payments
- Deeply In debt and unwilling to work out payment
- Running from Law Enforcement or the Courts
- Evading taxes or liens or other obligations
If you are looking for a missing person, you should be aware of how searches on the Internet can now help you locate them.
You Can Now Get Access to Data while Sitting at Your Computer that Before Could Only Be Uncovered using Costly Private Investigators
It used to be expensive to track down a missing person. You had to hire a private detective and pay them by the hour to do a "locate."
Not any more - not now that so many public records and business databases are available through the Internet. Anyone with online access and a bit of determination can do the same kind of investigative work themselves. There are no guarantees you'll find the person you're searching for, just as there were never any guarantees with paid investigators. But the cost is minimal and no one will be more motivated than you to keep at it until you succeed.
What makes it so easy is a new breed of web-based investigative search services. Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective or Personal Search services, these specialized services give you the speedy, accurate access to all kinds of formerly hard-to-get information.
Note that these search services are not the same as the general search engines you may already use, like Google or Yahoo. The general search engines are not the best way to hunt for someone who's missing. The private search services are best because they're optimized for finding people. Rather than a search making you scroll through thousands of unrelated listings, they take you directly to the data you need.
Basic Techniques You Can Use to Locate Someone
When you begin looking for someone, the first step is to collect as much physical information as possible about the subject. If the person is part of your own family, you'll probably already have personal information available. Pull out any old files and records. Look for clubs or organizations they belonged to. Get bank or investment account numbers. In particular look for any type of identifying records like a driver's license, employee id, etc. A Social Security Number is the most important identifier you can have.
If the person you're searching for is not someone you knew personally, gather information from anyone who did know them, if possible. If you aren't able to get this information, there are ways to get it online through the search services. It just makes it easier if you have some information to start with.
Organize what you collect and analyze it for any hints at where the person might have gone. Sometimes you'll find a clue to where the subject is hiding right in this first batch of information. It just wasn't apparent earlier because no one had examined the material closely enough.
What's more common, though, is to find links to other people or organizations that can assist you in your search. That's the professional investigator's secret - to find a missing person, first find other people who know them and can lead you to them.
At times, finding a missing person is as easy as calling up a former associate. The associate knows and can tell you the subject's current whereabouts.
If these basic steps don't result in locating the missing person, the next step is to move to the Internet. Below are some of the common steps that professionals use to gather information online that helps them track down a subject. You can use these same techniques by conducting your own hunt through an investigative search service.
Techniques Professional Investigators Use Online That You Can Use Too
1. Do a profile search. Look up all people with the same initial and last name, city and state. If you don't get promising results at first, and the name isn't too common, expand the search to other cities and states. In particular, look in the areas where the subject had relatives, friends, business dealings or other connections. Once you get a list, try contacting them. One of them may well be who you're searching for.
2. If you have a Social Security Number, do an SSN trace through the credit bureaus. Credit bureaus are the most likely place to find anyone's most current address and phone number. Professional investigators say this is usually the best way to locate someone who's trying to hide. That's because most people don't realize all the different types of activities they do that trigger address updates to their credit record. Everything from filling out an employment application, to renting a new apartment and getting the utilities turned on.
3. Search Voter Registration databases. This one is frequently overlooked but often effective. The reason is that those who disappear tend to build a new life based on their old one. If the voted before, they'll likely register to vote again. The records are kept by state offices but collected and available through better specialized search services.
4. Search Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings. These are lien notices filed locally and maintained by each state. The Search Services collect the data so you can access it more easily. UCC's are created to document a lien placed on property for which a loan has been made. It's valuable in tracking a missing person because it can lead you to a business that has had dealings with the person. It's possible you can get contact information through them.
There are a variety of other databases you can access easily through an online Investigative Search service. From post office Change of Address records to Driver's License Information to Vehicle Registrations for the missing person's car or truck -- even records of traffic tickets. Any one of these database searches can either provide a current address for your subject or a link to someone else that can eventually lead you to them.
Final Word
If you need to find someone who's missing, you can now use one of the new Investigative Search services to help you locate them. These services collect the data in one easy to use database or provide easy to use look up tools with automatic tie-ins to the public databases you need to search. That makes searching for a missing person faster, easier and more likely to end successfully.
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Updated 10-1-2010
Every day, in towns and cities across the country, people go missing. Sometimes they're the victim of crime. But in most cases, they drop out of sight on purpose. Usually they're trying to escape some problem or avoid some responsibility.
People who disappear can include those who are:
- Responsible for an accident but do not want to pay for damages or face legal action
- Avoiding alimony or child support payments
- Deeply In debt and unwilling to work out payment
- Running from Law Enforcement or the Courts
- Evading taxes or liens or other obligations
If you are looking for a missing person, you should be aware of how searches on the Internet can now help you locate them.
You Can Now Get Access to Data while Sitting at Your Computer that Before Could Only Be Uncovered using Costly Private Investigators
It used to be expensive to track down a missing person. You had to hire a private detective and pay them by the hour to do a "locate."
Not any more - not now that so many public records and business databases are available through the Internet. Anyone with online access and a bit of determination can do the same kind of investigative work themselves. There are no guarantees you'll find the person you're searching for, just as there were never any guarantees with paid investigators. But the cost is minimal and no one will be more motivated than you to keep at it until you succeed.
What makes it so easy is a new breed of web-based investigative search services. Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective or Personal Search services, these specialized services give you the speedy, accurate access to all kinds of formerly hard-to-get information.
Note that these search services are not the same as the general search engines you may already use, like Google or Yahoo. The general search engines are not the best way to hunt for someone who's missing. The private search services are best because they're optimized for finding people. Rather than a search making you scroll through thousands of unrelated listings, they take you directly to the data you need.
Basic Techniques You Can Use to Locate Someone
When you begin looking for someone, the first step is to collect as much physical information as possible about the subject. If the person is part of your own family, you'll probably already have personal information available. Pull out any old files and records. Look for clubs or organizations they belonged to. Get bank or investment account numbers. In particular look for any type of identifying records like a driver's license, employee id, etc. A Social Security Number is the most important identifier you can have.
If the person you're searching for is not someone you knew personally, gather information from anyone who did know them, if possible. If you aren't able to get this information, there are ways to get it online through the search services. It just makes it easier if you have some information to start with.
Organize what you collect and analyze it for any hints at where the person might have gone. Sometimes you'll find a clue to where the subject is hiding right in this first batch of information. It just wasn't apparent earlier because no one had examined the material closely enough.
What's more common, though, is to find links to other people or organizations that can assist you in your search. That's the professional investigator's secret - to find a missing person, first find other people who know them and can lead you to them.
At times, finding a missing person is as easy as calling up a former associate. The associate knows and can tell you the subject's current whereabouts.
If these basic steps don't result in locating the missing person, the next step is to move to the Internet. Below are some of the common steps that professionals use to gather information online that helps them track down a subject. You can use these same techniques by conducting your own hunt through an investigative search service.
Techniques Professional Investigators Use Online That You Can Use Too
1. Do a profile search. Look up all people with the same initial and last name, city and state. If you don't get promising results at first, and the name isn't too common, expand the search to other cities and states. In particular, look in the areas where the subject had relatives, friends, business dealings or other connections. Once you get a list, try contacting them. One of them may well be who you're searching for.
2. If you have a Social Security Number, do an SSN trace through the credit bureaus. Credit bureaus are the most likely place to find anyone's most current address and phone number. Professional investigators say this is usually the best way to locate someone who's trying to hide. That's because most people don't realize all the different types of activities they do that trigger address updates to their credit record. Everything from filling out an employment application, to renting a new apartment and getting the utilities turned on.
3. Search Voter Registration databases. This one is frequently overlooked but often effective. The reason is that those who disappear tend to build a new life based on their old one. If the voted before, they'll likely register to vote again. The records are kept by state offices but collected and available through better specialized search services.
4. Search Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings. These are lien notices filed locally and maintained by each state. The Search Services collect the data so you can access it more easily. UCC's are created to document a lien placed on property for which a loan has been made. It's valuable in tracking a missing person because it can lead you to a business that has had dealings with the person. It's possible you can get contact information through them.
There are a variety of other databases you can access easily through an online Investigative Search service. From post office Change of Address records to Driver's License Information to Vehicle Registrations for the missing person's car or truck -- even records of traffic tickets. Any one of these database searches can either provide a current address for your subject or a link to someone else that can eventually lead you to them.
Final Word
If you need to find someone who's missing, you can now use one of the new Investigative Search services to help you locate them. These services collect the data in one easy to use database or provide easy to use look up tools with automatic tie-ins to the public databases you need to search. That makes searching for a missing person faster, easier and more likely to end successfully.
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Find anyone online pt2: Sex Offender Criminal Checks online, protect children.
Sex Offender Criminal Checks: Now Internet Services Can Help You Keep Your Children Safer
One of the most disturbing trends of our time is the increase in sex offenses against our children.
A study by the US Department of Justice found
- 67% of all victims of sexual assault were juveniles, under 18 years old
- Thirty-four percent of the victims were younger than 12
- One of every seven was less than 6 years old
This is such a tragedy but at least parents are becoming more aware of the problem. They're taking steps to safeguard their children by keeping them from going out alone or from going anywhere unsupervised.
If you're a parent, now there's even more you can do to protect your children.
How the Internet Can Help You Protect Your Children
Your computer and the Internet can play a major part in helping you keep your children safe. If you're like most folks, you probably have at least some experience looking up information online, using Google or Yahoo search perhaps.
What you may not realize is how much information you can uncover online about sex offenders and other criminals who pose a threat to your family.
Specialized background checking services now exist that take you directly to criminal histories and sex offender records. While the common search engines are good for finding general information on a variety of topics, they're not so helpful when you want to search for criminal records. The specialized services make it a whole lot easier and faster.
I became familiar with these criminal background checking services from my work as a professional writer and researcher. If you're a parent trying to protect your children, you'll want to find out as much as you can about what's available.
You Can Now Find Out Secrets Once Deeply Hidden While Sitting at Your Computer
It used to be time consuming and costly to check someone's background to see if they had a criminal history. You had to hire a private detective or go through some expensive reporting agency. Not today - not with Criminal record databases so readily available to us.
Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective sites, or Personal Search sites, these web-based search services give you the low-down on all kinds of formerly-hidden information.
They let you make complete criminal background checks and give you access to detailed information including:
- Sex Offender Status Records
- Geographic Locations of Registered Sex Offenders
- Criminal Records for all kinds of crimes
- Prison Records
- FBI and other Law Enforcement Agency Files
- Criminal History
Why Checking Criminal Backgrounds Can Help You Spot Crime Before It Happens
The unfortunate truth is that many offenders commit crimes again and again. The DOJ tracked one sample group of around three hundred thousand offenders and discovered an amazing fact. This one group of felons has so far accounted for nearly five million arrest charges over their recorded careers.
Here are more disturbing findings from US Department of Justice studies:
- When criminals were arrested for a new crime, more than half of them were out on probation, parole or pretrial release for a previous crime.
- 39% of jail inmates had already served 3 or more prior sentences.
- Of the hundreds of thousands of criminals released from prisons during a one year period, an estimated 67.5% were rearrested for a felony or serious misdemeanor within 3 years, 46.9% were reconvicted, and 25.4% resentenced to prison for a new crime.
And the most chilling statistics
- Sex offenders were about four times more likely than non-sex offenders to be arrested for another sex crime after their discharge from prison.
- Of released sex offenders and child molesters arrested for committing another sex crime, 40% perpetrated the new offense within a year or less from their prison discharge.
It's extremely troubling but the very fact that so many criminals are repeat offenders is what makes using criminal background checks so effective. Those past crimes leave a trail. Access to that trail, that criminal history, is easily available through the specialized background check services.
The criminal history you can easily find out there can forewarn you. You'll know if someone has a criminal background and is therefore likely commit a crime again. It's not pre-judging. It's just being realistic and practical.
Experts Recommend Parents Use Criminal Background Checking Services
Safety experts are starting to recommend that parents use a criminal background checking service regularly. By running a criminal background check on anyone you find suspicious or even anyone your child might come into contact with, you'll know if there's anything to worry about. You'll be armed with the knowledge you need to take appropriate action.
You can use the search services to check out your baby sitter, nanny, au pair, day care center and staff, and even school teachers and workers.
You can use it to search geographically and find out if known sex offenders live near you. It's now possible to determine exactly where they live.
When You Choose a Criminal Background Search Service, Here's What to Look For
To help you find the best possible service for criminal background checking, here are the things I've found important to consider during a review:
1. Free versus Paid
I've been disappointed by the free services. Better to pay the small fee and get quality information you can trust. Many of the better services have special offers of multi-year memberships for a low one-time fee. The cost can be less than what you'd pay for a low-priced blouse or golf shirt.
2. Speed
You want a service that responds quickly and gives you exactly the information you need. Make sure you try it out. Check both speed and accuracy!
3. Proprietary Database
If a service compiles their own database, it's a sign they're more likely to be in the business for the long term. That's because a proprietary database is costly to build and maintain. A company wouldn't invest if they didn't expect to stay in business.
From a usability standpoint, a dedicated database is better too. You get a single interface that you can quickly learn.
(One note: I've never seen a free service that has its own database. Most of the free services I've checked out are really just link farms - they just point you at some public or government database. You could get that from the general search engines.)
4. Training and Support
Be sure you can easily learn to use any service you choose. Actually, you'll find that the better services are pretty intuitive: you'll know what to do just by looking at it. But better services will also provide extra, in-depth searching. If you ever need the extra, it might require you dig into it a bit before you can fully use it. Just make sure your service has easy, accessible ways to learn, like tutorials.
And don't ignore support. Sooner or later you'll have questions or there will be something you need help to get resolved. The best services offer free, live support with a phone number or live chat where you can talk directly with a person.
Final Word
It's a threatening world but fortunately, you can use modern technology to better protect your children. Like the experts recommend, sign up for Criminal Background Checking service and use it regularly.
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I'm sold, Where do i sign up?
One of the most disturbing trends of our time is the increase in sex offenses against our children.
A study by the US Department of Justice found
- 67% of all victims of sexual assault were juveniles, under 18 years old
- Thirty-four percent of the victims were younger than 12
- One of every seven was less than 6 years old
This is such a tragedy but at least parents are becoming more aware of the problem. They're taking steps to safeguard their children by keeping them from going out alone or from going anywhere unsupervised.
If you're a parent, now there's even more you can do to protect your children.
How the Internet Can Help You Protect Your Children
Your computer and the Internet can play a major part in helping you keep your children safe. If you're like most folks, you probably have at least some experience looking up information online, using Google or Yahoo search perhaps.
What you may not realize is how much information you can uncover online about sex offenders and other criminals who pose a threat to your family.
Specialized background checking services now exist that take you directly to criminal histories and sex offender records. While the common search engines are good for finding general information on a variety of topics, they're not so helpful when you want to search for criminal records. The specialized services make it a whole lot easier and faster.
I became familiar with these criminal background checking services from my work as a professional writer and researcher. If you're a parent trying to protect your children, you'll want to find out as much as you can about what's available.
You Can Now Find Out Secrets Once Deeply Hidden While Sitting at Your Computer
It used to be time consuming and costly to check someone's background to see if they had a criminal history. You had to hire a private detective or go through some expensive reporting agency. Not today - not with Criminal record databases so readily available to us.
Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective sites, or Personal Search sites, these web-based search services give you the low-down on all kinds of formerly-hidden information.
They let you make complete criminal background checks and give you access to detailed information including:
- Sex Offender Status Records
- Geographic Locations of Registered Sex Offenders
- Criminal Records for all kinds of crimes
- Prison Records
- FBI and other Law Enforcement Agency Files
- Criminal History
Why Checking Criminal Backgrounds Can Help You Spot Crime Before It Happens
The unfortunate truth is that many offenders commit crimes again and again. The DOJ tracked one sample group of around three hundred thousand offenders and discovered an amazing fact. This one group of felons has so far accounted for nearly five million arrest charges over their recorded careers.
Here are more disturbing findings from US Department of Justice studies:
- When criminals were arrested for a new crime, more than half of them were out on probation, parole or pretrial release for a previous crime.
- 39% of jail inmates had already served 3 or more prior sentences.
- Of the hundreds of thousands of criminals released from prisons during a one year period, an estimated 67.5% were rearrested for a felony or serious misdemeanor within 3 years, 46.9% were reconvicted, and 25.4% resentenced to prison for a new crime.
And the most chilling statistics
- Sex offenders were about four times more likely than non-sex offenders to be arrested for another sex crime after their discharge from prison.
- Of released sex offenders and child molesters arrested for committing another sex crime, 40% perpetrated the new offense within a year or less from their prison discharge.
It's extremely troubling but the very fact that so many criminals are repeat offenders is what makes using criminal background checks so effective. Those past crimes leave a trail. Access to that trail, that criminal history, is easily available through the specialized background check services.
The criminal history you can easily find out there can forewarn you. You'll know if someone has a criminal background and is therefore likely commit a crime again. It's not pre-judging. It's just being realistic and practical.
Experts Recommend Parents Use Criminal Background Checking Services
Safety experts are starting to recommend that parents use a criminal background checking service regularly. By running a criminal background check on anyone you find suspicious or even anyone your child might come into contact with, you'll know if there's anything to worry about. You'll be armed with the knowledge you need to take appropriate action.
You can use the search services to check out your baby sitter, nanny, au pair, day care center and staff, and even school teachers and workers.
You can use it to search geographically and find out if known sex offenders live near you. It's now possible to determine exactly where they live.
When You Choose a Criminal Background Search Service, Here's What to Look For
To help you find the best possible service for criminal background checking, here are the things I've found important to consider during a review:
1. Free versus Paid
I've been disappointed by the free services. Better to pay the small fee and get quality information you can trust. Many of the better services have special offers of multi-year memberships for a low one-time fee. The cost can be less than what you'd pay for a low-priced blouse or golf shirt.
2. Speed
You want a service that responds quickly and gives you exactly the information you need. Make sure you try it out. Check both speed and accuracy!
3. Proprietary Database
If a service compiles their own database, it's a sign they're more likely to be in the business for the long term. That's because a proprietary database is costly to build and maintain. A company wouldn't invest if they didn't expect to stay in business.
From a usability standpoint, a dedicated database is better too. You get a single interface that you can quickly learn.
(One note: I've never seen a free service that has its own database. Most of the free services I've checked out are really just link farms - they just point you at some public or government database. You could get that from the general search engines.)
4. Training and Support
Be sure you can easily learn to use any service you choose. Actually, you'll find that the better services are pretty intuitive: you'll know what to do just by looking at it. But better services will also provide extra, in-depth searching. If you ever need the extra, it might require you dig into it a bit before you can fully use it. Just make sure your service has easy, accessible ways to learn, like tutorials.
And don't ignore support. Sooner or later you'll have questions or there will be something you need help to get resolved. The best services offer free, live support with a phone number or live chat where you can talk directly with a person.
Final Word
It's a threatening world but fortunately, you can use modern technology to better protect your children. Like the experts recommend, sign up for Criminal Background Checking service and use it regularly.
Visit information page.
I'm sold, Where do i sign up?
Find anyone online pt1: People search online, public records search tips.
People Search: How to Quickly and Easily Find Someone You Lost Track Of
Recently my wife's sister got curious about what had happened to her first husband after they split. That marriage had ended badly and they hadn't been in contact for nearly thirty years. She tried searching for her ex-husband's name on Google and Yahoo but didn't get any hits. Knowing I do research online in my work as a professional writer, she asked if I could find out anything.
I write for business and technical publications, so I use a number of high-priced databases for in-depth research. But I suggested she try a simpler alternative - a solution I use myself when I want to find someone quickly and easily. I recommended she try one of the people search database services. Even the better ones cost so little, they're practically free. Most offer a trial period. I gave her the name of one to try.
She was dubious. She's not very comfortable using her computer for much more than email. Her stab at the search engines had already left her flustered. Now she was going to have to "sign up for something and learn something completely new... oh my goodness," was the way she put it.
Yet, later the same day I suggested it, she emailed back excitedly. In just minutes, she'd found out all kinds of information about her ex. It turned out that he'd done something of a turnaround after they'd broken up. Their divorce resulted from fights over his serious drinking problem. After they broke up, though, he'd eventually gone back to med school, gotten his MD and become an orthopedic surgeon. He'd even been instrumental in developing some sort of device used by other surgeons in his field.
Unfortunately, the poor fellow had passed, but at least my sister-in-law found comfort in knowing that things had worked out for him after all. She remarked that even though their relationship ended in the worst imaginable way, it had started from a good point. She said she hadnt really wanted to contact him. She just wanted to know what had happened to him.
Sometimes all we want is just to satisfy our curiosity about what happened to someone we've lost track of. Most of us have an old friend or acquaintance we still wonder about.
A Better Way to Find People
I suspect that's what makes people searching so hot. As many as half a million times a month, someone searches on Google alone, looking for a way to find a lost person. Whether it's someone from the past with whom we've lost touch, or someone we met last weekend and yearn to see again, were always searching for others.
Unfortunately, most general searches fail. Just like Googling failed for my sister-in-law. The information is out there, somewhere. But being forced to sift through so many unrelated results makes it nearly impossible.
That's why I recommended she use a people search service - sometimes they're called Internet Detective services. They pull all the information spread across thousands of servers and combine it into people-specific search databases. Then when you drop in a name or an address or a phone number, whatever bit of information you have, you get instant gratification. Up pops the latest scoop about your person.
Thats totally unlike the cold mechanical response a Google or Yahoo gives:
Results 1 - 10 of about 55,100,000 for joe smith. (0.06 seconds)
You can almost hear the search engine yawn.
By the way - most searchers don't know this - search engine results don't actually extend beyond about a thousand entries. Even when the search engine results page says they found millions and millions of hits, they don't actually bother to dig it up and give you access to all of it. They're really just estimating from their own database tables. Even they know it's a waste of time.
Yawn, yawn, yawn
On the other hand, it's exciting when you do a person search on a dedicated database. You find what you're looking for in seconds. Plus, you not only get current information, often you get historical data too. You find not only where the person is now but also where they lived or worked before that and before that and before that.
You can sort of see your old friend's life laid bare. (Now what in heaven's name was George doing in Poughkeepsie, New York, in winter. He always hated the cold)
Sometime you find a person's life didn't turn out the way you'd have thought. That's when the Criminal Check part of the service can help you find out what prison they ended up in!
When You Choose a Personal Search Service, Here's What to Look For
If you decide to try out a personal search database, here are the things I've found important to consider during a review
1. Free versus Paid
I've been disappointed by the free services. Their main concern seems to be to try and get you to click on some of the pay-per-click ads they're displaying - so they can make a little money.
2. Speed
You want a service that responds quickly. Make sure you try it out. A fun test is to do a search on yourself. You get to check speed and accuracy!
3. Proprietary Database
If a service compiles their own database, they must be fairly successful. It's costly to build and maintain. Such well-funded providers are much more likely to stay around. From a usability standpoint, it's better too. You get a single interface that you can quickly learn.
And I've never seen a free service that has its own database. Most of the free services I've checked out are really just link farms - they just point you at some public or government database.
4. Training and Support
Be sure you can easily learn to use any service you choose. Actually, you'll find the better services are intuitive - how to search will make sense as soon as you look at it. But better services will also provide extra, in-depth searching. If you ever need the extra, it might require you dig into it a bit before you can fully use it. Just make sure your service has easy, accessible ways to learn, like tutorials.
And don't ignore support. Sooner or later you'll have questions or there will be something you need help to get resolved. It's best if they offer free, live support.
Final Word
Join the millions using the web to track down old friends and new friends. But make it easier on yourself by using a People Search service rather than a general search engine. Have fun finding out exactly what did become of your old friend (or even your old, not-so-friendly ex)
Visit information page.
I'm sold, Where do i sign up?
Recently my wife's sister got curious about what had happened to her first husband after they split. That marriage had ended badly and they hadn't been in contact for nearly thirty years. She tried searching for her ex-husband's name on Google and Yahoo but didn't get any hits. Knowing I do research online in my work as a professional writer, she asked if I could find out anything.
I write for business and technical publications, so I use a number of high-priced databases for in-depth research. But I suggested she try a simpler alternative - a solution I use myself when I want to find someone quickly and easily. I recommended she try one of the people search database services. Even the better ones cost so little, they're practically free. Most offer a trial period. I gave her the name of one to try.
She was dubious. She's not very comfortable using her computer for much more than email. Her stab at the search engines had already left her flustered. Now she was going to have to "sign up for something and learn something completely new... oh my goodness," was the way she put it.
Yet, later the same day I suggested it, she emailed back excitedly. In just minutes, she'd found out all kinds of information about her ex. It turned out that he'd done something of a turnaround after they'd broken up. Their divorce resulted from fights over his serious drinking problem. After they broke up, though, he'd eventually gone back to med school, gotten his MD and become an orthopedic surgeon. He'd even been instrumental in developing some sort of device used by other surgeons in his field.
Unfortunately, the poor fellow had passed, but at least my sister-in-law found comfort in knowing that things had worked out for him after all. She remarked that even though their relationship ended in the worst imaginable way, it had started from a good point. She said she hadnt really wanted to contact him. She just wanted to know what had happened to him.
Sometimes all we want is just to satisfy our curiosity about what happened to someone we've lost track of. Most of us have an old friend or acquaintance we still wonder about.
A Better Way to Find People
I suspect that's what makes people searching so hot. As many as half a million times a month, someone searches on Google alone, looking for a way to find a lost person. Whether it's someone from the past with whom we've lost touch, or someone we met last weekend and yearn to see again, were always searching for others.
Unfortunately, most general searches fail. Just like Googling failed for my sister-in-law. The information is out there, somewhere. But being forced to sift through so many unrelated results makes it nearly impossible.
That's why I recommended she use a people search service - sometimes they're called Internet Detective services. They pull all the information spread across thousands of servers and combine it into people-specific search databases. Then when you drop in a name or an address or a phone number, whatever bit of information you have, you get instant gratification. Up pops the latest scoop about your person.
Thats totally unlike the cold mechanical response a Google or Yahoo gives:
Results 1 - 10 of about 55,100,000 for joe smith. (0.06 seconds)
You can almost hear the search engine yawn.
By the way - most searchers don't know this - search engine results don't actually extend beyond about a thousand entries. Even when the search engine results page says they found millions and millions of hits, they don't actually bother to dig it up and give you access to all of it. They're really just estimating from their own database tables. Even they know it's a waste of time.
Yawn, yawn, yawn
On the other hand, it's exciting when you do a person search on a dedicated database. You find what you're looking for in seconds. Plus, you not only get current information, often you get historical data too. You find not only where the person is now but also where they lived or worked before that and before that and before that.
You can sort of see your old friend's life laid bare. (Now what in heaven's name was George doing in Poughkeepsie, New York, in winter. He always hated the cold)
Sometime you find a person's life didn't turn out the way you'd have thought. That's when the Criminal Check part of the service can help you find out what prison they ended up in!
When You Choose a Personal Search Service, Here's What to Look For
If you decide to try out a personal search database, here are the things I've found important to consider during a review
1. Free versus Paid
I've been disappointed by the free services. Their main concern seems to be to try and get you to click on some of the pay-per-click ads they're displaying - so they can make a little money.
2. Speed
You want a service that responds quickly. Make sure you try it out. A fun test is to do a search on yourself. You get to check speed and accuracy!
3. Proprietary Database
If a service compiles their own database, they must be fairly successful. It's costly to build and maintain. Such well-funded providers are much more likely to stay around. From a usability standpoint, it's better too. You get a single interface that you can quickly learn.
And I've never seen a free service that has its own database. Most of the free services I've checked out are really just link farms - they just point you at some public or government database.
4. Training and Support
Be sure you can easily learn to use any service you choose. Actually, you'll find the better services are intuitive - how to search will make sense as soon as you look at it. But better services will also provide extra, in-depth searching. If you ever need the extra, it might require you dig into it a bit before you can fully use it. Just make sure your service has easy, accessible ways to learn, like tutorials.
And don't ignore support. Sooner or later you'll have questions or there will be something you need help to get resolved. It's best if they offer free, live support.
Final Word
Join the millions using the web to track down old friends and new friends. But make it easier on yourself by using a People Search service rather than a general search engine. Have fun finding out exactly what did become of your old friend (or even your old, not-so-friendly ex)
Visit information page.
I'm sold, Where do i sign up?
Online background check information: People search online.
People Search: How to Quickly and Easily Find Someone You Lost Track Of
Recently my wife's sister got curious about what had happened to her first husband after they split. That marriage had ended badly and they hadn't been in contact for nearly thirty years. She tried searching for her ex-husband's name on Google and Yahoo but didn't get any hits. Knowing I do research online in my work as a professional writer, she asked if I could find out anything.
I write for business and technical publications, so I use a number of high-priced databases for in-depth research. But I suggested she try a simpler alternative - a solution I use myself when I want to find someone quickly and easily. I recommended she try one of the people search database services. Even the better ones cost so little, they're practically free. Most offer a trial period. I gave her the name of one to try.
She was dubious. She's not very comfortable using her computer for much more than email. Her stab at the search engines had already left her flustered. Now she was going to have to "sign up for something and learn something completely new... oh my goodness," was the way she put it.
Yet, later the same day I suggested it, she emailed back excitedly. In just minutes, she'd found out all kinds of information about her ex. It turned out that he'd done something of a turnaround after they'd broken up. Their divorce resulted from fights over his serious drinking problem. After they broke up, though, he'd eventually gone back to med school, gotten his MD and become an orthopedic surgeon. He'd even been instrumental in developing some sort of device used by other surgeons in his field.
Unfortunately, the poor fellow had passed, but at least my sister-in-law found comfort in knowing that things had worked out for him after all. She remarked that even though their relationship ended in the worst imaginable way, it had started from a good point. She said she hadnt really wanted to contact him. She just wanted to know what had happened to him.
Sometimes all we want is just to satisfy our curiosity about what happened to someone we've lost track of. Most of us have an old friend or acquaintance we still wonder about.
A Better Way to Find People
I suspect that's what makes people searching so hot. As many as half a million times a month, someone searches on Google alone, looking for a way to find a lost person. Whether it's someone from the past with whom we've lost touch, or someone we met last weekend and yearn to see again, were always searching for others.
Unfortunately, most general searches fail. Just like Googling failed for my sister-in-law. The information is out there, somewhere. But being forced to sift through so many unrelated results makes it nearly impossible.
Top 10 background check and public records websites.
That's why I recommended she use a people search service - sometimes they're called Internet Detective services. They pull all the information spread across thousands of servers and combine it into people-specific search databases. Then when you drop in a name or an address or a phone number, whatever bit of information you have, you get instant gratification. Up pops the latest scoop about your person.
Thats totally unlike the cold mechanical response a Google or Yahoo gives:
Results 1 - 10 of about 55,100,000 for joe smith. (0.06 seconds)
You can almost hear the search engine yawn.
By the way - most searchers don't know this - search engine results don't actually extend beyond about a thousand entries. Even when the search engine results page says they found millions and millions of hits, they don't actually bother to dig it up and give you access to all of it. They're really just estimating from their own database tables. Even they know it's a waste of time.
Yawn, yawn, yawn
On the other hand, it's exciting when you do a person search on a dedicated database. You find what you're looking for in seconds. Plus, you not only get current information, often you get historical data too. You find not only where the person is now but also where they lived or worked before that and before that and before that.
You can sort of see your old friend's life laid bare. (Now what in heaven's name was George doing in Poughkeepsie, New York, in winter. He always hated the cold)
Sometime you find a person's life didn't turn out the way you'd have thought. That's when the Criminal Check part of the service can help you find out what prison they ended up in!
When You Choose a Personal Search Service, Here's What to Look For
If you decide to try out a personal search database, here are the things I've found important to consider during a review
1. Free versus Paid
I've been disappointed by the free services. Their main concern seems to be to try and get you to click on some of the pay-per-click ads they're displaying - so they can make a little money.
2. Speed
You want a service that responds quickly. Make sure you try it out. A fun test is to do a search on yourself. You get to check speed and accuracy!
3. Proprietary Database
If a service compiles their own database, they must be fairly successful. It's costly to build and maintain. Such well-funded providers are much more likely to stay around. From a usability standpoint, it's better too. You get a single interface that you can quickly learn.
And I've never seen a free service that has its own database. Most of the free services I've checked out are really just link farms - they just point you at some public or government database.
4. Training and Support
Be sure you can easily learn to use any service you choose. Actually, you'll find the better services are intuitive - how to search will make sense as soon as you look at it. But better services will also provide extra, in-depth searching. If you ever need the extra, it might require you dig into it a bit before you can fully use it. Just make sure your service has easy, accessible ways to learn, like tutorials.
And don't ignore support. Sooner or later you'll have questions or there will be something you need help to get resolved. It's best if they offer free, live support.
Final Word
Join the millions using the web to track down old friends and new friends. But make it easier on yourself by using a People Search service rather than a general search engine. Have fun finding out exactly what did become of your old friend (or even your old, not-so-friendly ex)
Visit information page.
I'm sold, Where do i sign up?
Recently my wife's sister got curious about what had happened to her first husband after they split. That marriage had ended badly and they hadn't been in contact for nearly thirty years. She tried searching for her ex-husband's name on Google and Yahoo but didn't get any hits. Knowing I do research online in my work as a professional writer, she asked if I could find out anything.
I write for business and technical publications, so I use a number of high-priced databases for in-depth research. But I suggested she try a simpler alternative - a solution I use myself when I want to find someone quickly and easily. I recommended she try one of the people search database services. Even the better ones cost so little, they're practically free. Most offer a trial period. I gave her the name of one to try.
She was dubious. She's not very comfortable using her computer for much more than email. Her stab at the search engines had already left her flustered. Now she was going to have to "sign up for something and learn something completely new... oh my goodness," was the way she put it.
Yet, later the same day I suggested it, she emailed back excitedly. In just minutes, she'd found out all kinds of information about her ex. It turned out that he'd done something of a turnaround after they'd broken up. Their divorce resulted from fights over his serious drinking problem. After they broke up, though, he'd eventually gone back to med school, gotten his MD and become an orthopedic surgeon. He'd even been instrumental in developing some sort of device used by other surgeons in his field.
Unfortunately, the poor fellow had passed, but at least my sister-in-law found comfort in knowing that things had worked out for him after all. She remarked that even though their relationship ended in the worst imaginable way, it had started from a good point. She said she hadnt really wanted to contact him. She just wanted to know what had happened to him.
Sometimes all we want is just to satisfy our curiosity about what happened to someone we've lost track of. Most of us have an old friend or acquaintance we still wonder about.
A Better Way to Find People
I suspect that's what makes people searching so hot. As many as half a million times a month, someone searches on Google alone, looking for a way to find a lost person. Whether it's someone from the past with whom we've lost touch, or someone we met last weekend and yearn to see again, were always searching for others.
Unfortunately, most general searches fail. Just like Googling failed for my sister-in-law. The information is out there, somewhere. But being forced to sift through so many unrelated results makes it nearly impossible.
Top 10 background check and public records websites.
That's why I recommended she use a people search service - sometimes they're called Internet Detective services. They pull all the information spread across thousands of servers and combine it into people-specific search databases. Then when you drop in a name or an address or a phone number, whatever bit of information you have, you get instant gratification. Up pops the latest scoop about your person.
Thats totally unlike the cold mechanical response a Google or Yahoo gives:
Results 1 - 10 of about 55,100,000 for joe smith. (0.06 seconds)
You can almost hear the search engine yawn.
By the way - most searchers don't know this - search engine results don't actually extend beyond about a thousand entries. Even when the search engine results page says they found millions and millions of hits, they don't actually bother to dig it up and give you access to all of it. They're really just estimating from their own database tables. Even they know it's a waste of time.
Yawn, yawn, yawn
On the other hand, it's exciting when you do a person search on a dedicated database. You find what you're looking for in seconds. Plus, you not only get current information, often you get historical data too. You find not only where the person is now but also where they lived or worked before that and before that and before that.
You can sort of see your old friend's life laid bare. (Now what in heaven's name was George doing in Poughkeepsie, New York, in winter. He always hated the cold)
Sometime you find a person's life didn't turn out the way you'd have thought. That's when the Criminal Check part of the service can help you find out what prison they ended up in!
When You Choose a Personal Search Service, Here's What to Look For
If you decide to try out a personal search database, here are the things I've found important to consider during a review
1. Free versus Paid
I've been disappointed by the free services. Their main concern seems to be to try and get you to click on some of the pay-per-click ads they're displaying - so they can make a little money.
2. Speed
You want a service that responds quickly. Make sure you try it out. A fun test is to do a search on yourself. You get to check speed and accuracy!
3. Proprietary Database
If a service compiles their own database, they must be fairly successful. It's costly to build and maintain. Such well-funded providers are much more likely to stay around. From a usability standpoint, it's better too. You get a single interface that you can quickly learn.
And I've never seen a free service that has its own database. Most of the free services I've checked out are really just link farms - they just point you at some public or government database.
4. Training and Support
Be sure you can easily learn to use any service you choose. Actually, you'll find the better services are intuitive - how to search will make sense as soon as you look at it. But better services will also provide extra, in-depth searching. If you ever need the extra, it might require you dig into it a bit before you can fully use it. Just make sure your service has easy, accessible ways to learn, like tutorials.
And don't ignore support. Sooner or later you'll have questions or there will be something you need help to get resolved. It's best if they offer free, live support.
Final Word
Join the millions using the web to track down old friends and new friends. But make it easier on yourself by using a People Search service rather than a general search engine. Have fun finding out exactly what did become of your old friend (or even your old, not-so-friendly ex)
Visit information page.
I'm sold, Where do i sign up?
Online background check information: Business Background Check
Background Checks: How They Can Help Better Protect Your Small Business Against Crime
If you run a small business, you've got a lot of worries. Besides all the normal concerns like competition and pricing and location and customer service... now security has become increasingly important. You face the threat of theft, fraud, embezzlement, scams... the list seems almost endless.
When you're in business, you can run up against...
- Suppliers who provide shoddy goods that you don't discover until after you've paid for them
- Customers whose orders you promptly fill but who wiggle out of paying
- Employees who rob you of everything from supplies and equipment to cash and services.
The Federation of Small Business - a British business group reported that over half (58%) of all small businesses in the UK suffered at least one crime during a recent two year period. They concluded:
"Crime, and the fear of crime, can directly impact on day to day business activities. It can damage a business image, resulting in the loss of existing customers and deterioration in the quality and range of services offered by the business, which will limit turnover (profits) and
restrict business development."
When you run a small business, it's up to you to look out for your company. But how?
Background Search Services on the Web Provide an Economical Answer
Many of the problems that small businesses face in trying to deter crime can be helped with information available on the Internet. You can use 21st Century technology to get the better of the crooks and thieves and scam artists.
But if you're not familiar with whats available, you may not realize all the important things you can find out with a good background checking service.
It used to be expensive to check into someone's background to see if they were hiding anything. You had to hire a private detective or pay big bucks to an investigative agency. Not today - not with Internet databases so readily available to us. Some of the services are free. However, a business will benefit most from the more in-depth background checking services.
These higher quality services usually charge a fee to subscribe, but it's smaller than you'd expect - especially considering the volumes and usefulness of the information they provide. A year of service is often less than what you'd pay to bring in lunch for a staff meeting. Plus, the paid services are kept more up-to-date and are typically faster and easier to use.
Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective sites, or Personal Search sites, the website based services give you the low-down on all kinds of formerly-hidden information.
Here are the types of things you can and should be looking into for the protection of your business...
Criminal Background Checks
Any time your business is dealing with someone you don't know, you should run a quick check to see if they have any history of criminal activity. It's very simple to find out about:
- Criminal Records
- FBI Records
- Prison Records
- Sex Offender Status
You have access to their entire criminal history if there is one. With violence in the workplace such a major issue, a simple criminal check can be a very effective way to avoid problems before they happen.
Background Check for Employment (Pre-Employment Screening)
If you've got a small business, you should be pre-screening each person you consider hiring. No matter how professional, or how harmless, they appear.
A small print shop franchise in Florida hired an especially friendly fellow as their bookkeeper after the owner got too busy to handle it himself. The new employee didn't offer much in the way of references but he sounded like he knew what he was doing and - big plus - he agreed to work cheap. The owner figured he would save money hiring the guy. He figured wrong.
The bookkeeper drained more than a hundred thousand dollars out of the company before they found him out. Turned out he'd previously been charged with embezzlement. Something a criminal background check would have quickly turned up.
Background Check Existing Employees - Make it a Condition of Employment
You shouldn't check only new hires. Over time, employees can develop habits and get involved in activities you'd never suspect. So you should regularly check on existing employees. Note: this is something you should get legal advice for - but generally if it's a condition of employment and you let them know in writing, it's not invading privacy. You entrust employees with company funds or materials that can be stolen, or negotiating and purchasing power that can be abused. Keeping an eye on existing employees is just being prudent.
Too many small business owners think of their company as an extension of their family. They don't want to think ill of the people they give jobs to. Truth is, most employees are trustworthy. They just want to do a good job and get paid fairly - but they see you as the boss, not their daddy. Even in real families, the black sheep will have absolutely no conscience about turning your good will to their good fortune. Don't be so kindly that you end up getting taken for everything you own.
Background Check Each Company or Individual You Do Business With
You should investigate every supplier or contractor who serves your business. If the possibility of harm exists, then you need to know if someone you're in business with is likely to harm you. You can check credit, check backgrounds of the owners and managers, check the company itself for any past criminal or questionable activity.
Also check customers if your dealings with them permit. Most non-retail businesses will have the opportunity to look at their customer's backgrounds for any warning signs. Don't get left without payment for your products or services when a quick look up on the computer can resolve questions.
Check both suppliers and customers out. It's just good business.
Real Estate Business Transactions Are Often Easy Targets for Crime
Real Estate often involves significant investment, both initially and over time. Whether you're a landlord or a tenant, you need to check out those with whom you're doing business. Using a background check service, you can:
- Check Credit and determine if Social Security Numbers provided are valid
- Check Tenants for past problems or criminal activity
- Check Landlords for tenant actions against them or other legal problems
Charity and Other Community Support
Businesses frequently get called on to support their community. Charitable organizations often solicit donations, many times in sizable amounts. Before you give money freely to anyone, be sure they're legitimate by running a background check on their organization and the principals involved. Otherwise the help you think you're providing could turn around and hurt your business.
Final Word
Running a small business is more of a challenge today than ever before. Use online database search services to help you protect your business and keep you, your customers and your employees more secure.
Visit information page.
I'm sold, Where do i sign up?
If you run a small business, you've got a lot of worries. Besides all the normal concerns like competition and pricing and location and customer service... now security has become increasingly important. You face the threat of theft, fraud, embezzlement, scams... the list seems almost endless.
When you're in business, you can run up against...
- Suppliers who provide shoddy goods that you don't discover until after you've paid for them
- Customers whose orders you promptly fill but who wiggle out of paying
- Employees who rob you of everything from supplies and equipment to cash and services.
The Federation of Small Business - a British business group reported that over half (58%) of all small businesses in the UK suffered at least one crime during a recent two year period. They concluded:
"Crime, and the fear of crime, can directly impact on day to day business activities. It can damage a business image, resulting in the loss of existing customers and deterioration in the quality and range of services offered by the business, which will limit turnover (profits) and
restrict business development."
When you run a small business, it's up to you to look out for your company. But how?
Background Search Services on the Web Provide an Economical Answer
Many of the problems that small businesses face in trying to deter crime can be helped with information available on the Internet. You can use 21st Century technology to get the better of the crooks and thieves and scam artists.
But if you're not familiar with whats available, you may not realize all the important things you can find out with a good background checking service.
It used to be expensive to check into someone's background to see if they were hiding anything. You had to hire a private detective or pay big bucks to an investigative agency. Not today - not with Internet databases so readily available to us. Some of the services are free. However, a business will benefit most from the more in-depth background checking services.
These higher quality services usually charge a fee to subscribe, but it's smaller than you'd expect - especially considering the volumes and usefulness of the information they provide. A year of service is often less than what you'd pay to bring in lunch for a staff meeting. Plus, the paid services are kept more up-to-date and are typically faster and easier to use.
Sometimes referred to as Internet Detective sites, or Personal Search sites, the website based services give you the low-down on all kinds of formerly-hidden information.
Here are the types of things you can and should be looking into for the protection of your business...
Criminal Background Checks
Any time your business is dealing with someone you don't know, you should run a quick check to see if they have any history of criminal activity. It's very simple to find out about:
- Criminal Records
- FBI Records
- Prison Records
- Sex Offender Status
You have access to their entire criminal history if there is one. With violence in the workplace such a major issue, a simple criminal check can be a very effective way to avoid problems before they happen.
Background Check for Employment (Pre-Employment Screening)
If you've got a small business, you should be pre-screening each person you consider hiring. No matter how professional, or how harmless, they appear.
A small print shop franchise in Florida hired an especially friendly fellow as their bookkeeper after the owner got too busy to handle it himself. The new employee didn't offer much in the way of references but he sounded like he knew what he was doing and - big plus - he agreed to work cheap. The owner figured he would save money hiring the guy. He figured wrong.
The bookkeeper drained more than a hundred thousand dollars out of the company before they found him out. Turned out he'd previously been charged with embezzlement. Something a criminal background check would have quickly turned up.
Background Check Existing Employees - Make it a Condition of Employment
You shouldn't check only new hires. Over time, employees can develop habits and get involved in activities you'd never suspect. So you should regularly check on existing employees. Note: this is something you should get legal advice for - but generally if it's a condition of employment and you let them know in writing, it's not invading privacy. You entrust employees with company funds or materials that can be stolen, or negotiating and purchasing power that can be abused. Keeping an eye on existing employees is just being prudent.
Too many small business owners think of their company as an extension of their family. They don't want to think ill of the people they give jobs to. Truth is, most employees are trustworthy. They just want to do a good job and get paid fairly - but they see you as the boss, not their daddy. Even in real families, the black sheep will have absolutely no conscience about turning your good will to their good fortune. Don't be so kindly that you end up getting taken for everything you own.
Background Check Each Company or Individual You Do Business With
You should investigate every supplier or contractor who serves your business. If the possibility of harm exists, then you need to know if someone you're in business with is likely to harm you. You can check credit, check backgrounds of the owners and managers, check the company itself for any past criminal or questionable activity.
Also check customers if your dealings with them permit. Most non-retail businesses will have the opportunity to look at their customer's backgrounds for any warning signs. Don't get left without payment for your products or services when a quick look up on the computer can resolve questions.
Check both suppliers and customers out. It's just good business.
Real Estate Business Transactions Are Often Easy Targets for Crime
Real Estate often involves significant investment, both initially and over time. Whether you're a landlord or a tenant, you need to check out those with whom you're doing business. Using a background check service, you can:
- Check Credit and determine if Social Security Numbers provided are valid
- Check Tenants for past problems or criminal activity
- Check Landlords for tenant actions against them or other legal problems
Charity and Other Community Support
Businesses frequently get called on to support their community. Charitable organizations often solicit donations, many times in sizable amounts. Before you give money freely to anyone, be sure they're legitimate by running a background check on their organization and the principals involved. Otherwise the help you think you're providing could turn around and hurt your business.
Final Word
Running a small business is more of a challenge today than ever before. Use online database search services to help you protect your business and keep you, your customers and your employees more secure.
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